Monday, July 25, 2011

Thing 10 Creative Commons

As one who always keeps copyright in mind, and who has witnessed glaring violations every year in high school settings, I was interested to investigate the collaborative nature of music found within Creative Commons [CC]. The two videos expressed that CC allows the creator to exercise the usability/restrictions of their works, so I set out to randomly search for something I might like.

Of course, I started by using the search engine, and used "music" as the query. From the return list, I used the "Legal Music For Videos" category and a number of providers was displayed.

I selected the provider "beat pick", which allowed me to utilize their search engine. It was a very good filtering search engine that allowed the user to specify genre, tempo, etc. The search engine returned one hit from my very, very detailed query. It is an instrumental jazz work by composer Troy Kline titled "I Just Know It".

After listening to it I investigated the licensing menu, and it was interesting to see how the price fluctuated with the length of use that was selected. Obviously it was 100% rights reserved.

The second "avenue" I investigated was once again using CC search engine for music, but this time I selected "Music Communities". Again a list of providers was returned and I selected one titled "bandcamp" from San Francisco, CA. On their sidebar was a "browse by genre" option and I selected instrumental. 1007 pages were returned, and each page contained 40 albums/artists. LOTS of choices.

At any rate, I chose to investigate an album titled "Beats Vol. 3" by a group named
The Boomjacks. This album was released July 13, 2011, a very new release. Users can sort search engine results in bandcamp by most recent, most popular, and alphabetical.

Their music was protected as well, but downloads appeared to be very reasonable at $1 per track.

I appreciated that the search engine result also displayed other albums by the group when it was selected.

Overall, I think it is overwhelming to find exactly what you want-just so many possibilities.

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